Rooted in Tradition

Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi

At the Cardinal Cushing Centers, our commitment to individuals of all ages, all faiths, and all abilities is grounded in the founding values of the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi and Richard Cardinal Cushing.

We invite you to learn more about our deeply held traditions.

The Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi sponsor 8 Corporate Ministries which reflect the Franciscan values of respect for human dignity; compassionate outreach to those living in poverty; promoting peace and reconciliation; and respect for the environment. The 8 Corporations are doing great work across the U.S. to help populations in need – be it the elderly, the homeless, the jobless, urban youth, or individuals with developmental disabilities.

Franciscan Values

  • Respect for each individual’s personal dignity
  • Hospitality, courtesy, kindness
  • Friendship, openness
  • Fostering loving relationships
  • Serving and caring for the poor and oppressed
  • Concern for justice issues
  • Taking responsible social action
  • Offering unselfish service, altruism
  • Respect for all creatures
  • Fostering a simple lifestyle, stewardship
  • Human dignity and empowerment of people
  • Concern for environmental issues
  • Healing and reconciliation
  • Conflict resolution
  • Forgiveness
  • Care and understanding to eliminate fears
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About Cushing Centers

Since 1947, Cushing's caring community has been a place where exceptional individuals of all ages and abilities have found possibility, opportunity, and hope, receiving support to achieve independence and meaningful relationships across home, work, school, and leisure.

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