Family Resources
Everyone needs a helping hand.
Disability Community Resources
Helpful ideas and information from Cardinal Cushing staff and outside organizations concerning learning, work, social relationships, recreation, and enhanced independent living opportunities for those with developmental disabilities and autism.
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Department of Early Education and Care
Department of Developmental Services
Special Olympics of Massachusetts
Massachusetts Association of 766 Approved Private Schools
National Association of Private Special Education Centers
Massachusetts Association of Special Education Parent Advisory Councils
Cape Cod Community College – Project Forward
Oral Health Fact Sheets for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Parent Advisory Group
Our Mission
Provide a network in which parents and guardians of children with special needs have access to relevant information, training and emotional support; Advise organization officials on matters of special education by participating in the planning, development and evaluation of special education programming; and to encourage an atmosphere of effective open communication, understanding, and mutual respect among all students, parents, educators and the community-at-large.
Our Next Meeting
Parent Advisory Group – Virtual Meeting
Time: January 22 @ 6:00 pm – January 22 @ 7:00 pm
This network provides parents and guardians of children with special needs access to relevant information, training and emotional support. By attending these virtual meetings, parents can participate in the planning,…
Student Handbooks
Important information regarding Cushing programs, services, and contact information.
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plan
A comprehensive approach to addressing bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation.
We are committed to working with students, staff, families, law enforcement agencies and the community to prevent issues of violence.
In consultation with these constituencies, we have established this Plan for preventing, intervening and responding to incidents of bullying, cyber-bullying, and retaliation.
The Vice President for Student Programs and Services, Program Directors, or their designees are responsible for the implementation and oversight of the Plan.
Transition Planning
Proficiency Assessment Solutions
Preparing for the transition from school to adult life for students with autism, Asperger’s, Down syndrome or other disabilities is a challenging time for educators and families, who find themselves asking:
- How can we prepare our student for work?
- Has an interest inventory been completed?
- Is post secondary education a possibility?
- What is the ideal adult living arrangement?
- What kind of instruction is needed?
- How can the student and family be better prepared?
To help families find answers and to assist local IEP teams in meeting IDEA transition requirements, Cushing Schools offers the following day and/or residential assessments:
- Vocational Assessments
- Life Skills Assessments
Transition Resources
Helping You Create Those All-Important Records
Footprints for the Future is a personal planning tool developed by Jo Ann Simons, former President and CEO of Cardinal Cushing Centers, author, and the mother of Jonathan, born in 1979 with Down Syndrome and four heart defects.
It was designed especially to help parents and guardians of people with developmental disabilities compile a record of their loved one’s important medical and personal information.