Sr. Helene Mertes, OSF
Sister Helene is a Sister of St. Francis of Assisi who helps Cushing stay connected to its Franciscan roots. She holds a bachelor’s degree in horticulture from University of Wisconsin – Madison, and an associate degree in food management from William Rainey Harper College. She has served on the board of directors at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care in Milwaukee and assisted with fundraising and communications for St. John’s Villa in Carrollton, Ohio, where she also held the positions of Director of Vocational Services and Director of Food Service. Sister also worked at Cardinal Stritch University in Milwaukee as Food Service Director at the Motherhouse, and is a member of the Land Use Committee at the Motherhouse in St. Francis, Wisconsin, where she currently lives and where she manages the Cornerstone Gift Shop at St. Francis Convent.